Laser Hair Removal: Everything You Need to Know

Written by Jessica Tapia, MD


En Juvenalia Brío, una pregunta que solemos escuchar es si la depilación con láser realmente funciona. La respuesta es sí.

La depilación con láser puede ayudarnos a deshacernos del vello más molesto. El no deseado. El que tenemos que estar rasurando diariamente. O a veces hasta decidimos optar por la depilación con cera, la cual puede ser muy pero muy dolorosa.

Además, la depilación láser puede ofrecernos resultados a largo plazo. Lo cual pensamos que es muy conveniente. La depilación láser se puede aplicar en cualquier parte del cuerpo para eliminar el vello de forma definitiva.

En este artículo, hablaremos sobre las distintas técnicas de láser, lo que necesitas saber antes del tratamiento y cuántas sesiones puedes necesitar. Queremos darte la información que necesitas para que puedas decidir si el tratamiento es lo adecuado para ti.

Let's start with the Basics

La depilación con láser es una opción muy efectiva para eliminar el vello no deseado. Este sistema se basa en un proceso llamado fototermólisis selectiva que permite que el láser se centre en los folículos pilosos, dirigiendo toda su energía al pigmento.

This may sound a little intense but don't worry. By adjusting the wavelength and pulse duration, we can minimize skin damage. 

It is important to know that the laser is only equally effective on some hair types. Due to its high concentration of melanin, it works best on dark hair. Therefore, it may be less effective with light or gray hair that does not absorb laser light.

Did you know that there is more than one type of laser for hair removal?

That's right. Not all hair removal lasers are the same. Here are three types you might encounter. The best choice will depend on your specific skin and hair.

First, you have the diode laser. This laser is very popular as it suits many skin types, including darker ones. Also, a bonus is that it causes very little pain during treatment compared to the other two types we will mention. 

Then there is the Nd: YAG laser. This laser penetrates deeper into the skin and can be a perfect choice for darker skin. Be careful, though; this deeper penetration can cause some discomfort during the procedure.

Finally, there is the alexandrite laser. This may be the best option for people with lighter skin with blonde or red hair, as it does not penetrate as deeply. This means less risk and less chance of irritation or burns.

Some laser hair removal machines combine these three types in a single device to provide a more personalized treatment.

En Juvenalia Brío, preferimos el láser de diodo. Su versatilidad y bajo nivel de incomodidad ha brindado mucho éxito entre nuestros pacientes de distintos tonos de piel.

Step-by-step on how to prepare for your session

Primero, necesitarás un chequeo médico antes de iniciar el tratamiento. Esto es para estar seguros de que la depilación láser será eficaz para tu tipo de piel y vello. Es importante informar al médico sobre cualquier tratamiento con medicamentos fotosensibles, como la Isotetrinoina, ya que pueden ser una contraindicación para la depilación láser.

During this checkup, your health and medical history will be considered. After confirming that the treatment suits you, we can determine how many sessions you need. Remember that it is important to prepare your skin for treatment.

Here are some tips to protect your skin and achieve better results:

  • Do not tan or use products on the areas to be treated before your session.

  • Shave the area to be treated one day before.

  • Avoid using other hair removal methods that pull the hair out by the root, such as waxing or tweezing, because they may interfere with the effectiveness of the laser.

These tips prepare you to start treatment and enjoy smooth, hair-free skin.

What will my first laser hair removal session be like?

Hoy es el día de tu primera cita para depilarte con láser:

First, a cold gel is applied to your skin to avoid discomfort and to help the laser work.

The laser is adjusted according to the thickness and color of your hair and skin. A small device that emits light is used to remove the hair.

During the process, you may notice a cooling sensation. This is due to the gel and laser technology that cools the skin after each pulse.

Once finished, ice is placed on the area to reduce swelling and redness.

It is a safe and painless process; the most important thing about this procedure is your comfort and well-being.

How long will my treatment last?

Todo depende del tamaño del área que quieras tratar. Puede tomar desde unos minutos hasta una hora. Pero no te preocupes, cada sesión se ajustará a tus necesidades.

Es posible que a medida que avanzas en las sesiones, estas puedan durar un poco más porque el vello se debilita y se necesita ser más preciso para eliminarlo completamente.

What does it feel like during treatment?

Laser hair removal is a much more pleasant experience than waxing. Especially if advanced technology such as the HairMAX laser is used.

Many people feel less pain, and some do not feel pain at all. There may be a slight tingling sensation, but laser hair removal equipment has cooling systems to reduce discomfort.

The #1 priority should be that you feel comfortable throughout your treatment.

How many sessions do I need?

This depends on factors such as gender, age, and hair color. If you have had a previous treatment elsewhere, the hair removal technique also plays a role. Generally, underarms and legs show faster results.

On average, you will need between 8 and 12 sessions to achieve a permanent result. Some lasers may need 5 to 8 sessions to remove most hair.

It is important to remember that the laser is most effective during the hair growth phase. For this reason, you will need several sessions to capture all the hairs in this phase and obtain the best results.

Be patient; with each session, you will be closer to getting smooth, hair-free skin.

Cuidados necesarios

After the laser, the skin must be cared for.

  • If you expose yourself to the sun, use adequate products without irritants and apply sunscreen SPF30 or higher.

  • Avoid tight clothing, deodorant, and makeup for 24 hours.

  • Do not exercise or expose yourself to excessive heat for 48 hours.

  • Swelling or redness are typical symptoms and will disappear in up to three days. Consult your specialist if you see scabs or spots on the skin.

  • Limit sun exposure to the treated area to prevent sun spots or sunburn.

What results can I expect, and how long will they last? 

Many people see permanent results, as the laser removes the hair's roots, preventing hair growth. So, say goodbye to that unwanted hair! 

You will see how, after each session, you will have less hair, and the hair that comes out will be thinner.

It is important to mention that hormonal alterations can lead to hair regrowth.

However, we can confidently say that most of our patients notice significant and lasting hair reduction.

Comparison of laser hair removal with other methods

En comparación con métodos tradicionales como la depilación con cera, afeitado o cremas depilatorias, la depilación láser se destaca por su eficacia.

While waxing can cause irritation and folliculitis, laser hair removal destroys the hair follicle in a more lasting way, avoiding these discomforts.

Also, unlike the other methods, laser hair removal does not require you to let the hair grow to receive the treatment. Over time, you will need fewer sessions as the hair decreases in density and thickness.

In the long run, laser hair removal is an efficient investment in time and money, especially compared to methods that require constant maintenance and investment.


La depilación láser es un método popular y efectivo para eliminar el vello no deseado. Elige bien el tipo de láser y el centro donde te lo haces, ya que es importante para tener una buena experiencia.

Aunque necesitas varias sesiones y seguir ciertos cuidados posteriores, los resultados a largo plazo son superiores a los de otros métodos de depilación.

Si sigues las recomendaciones de los expertos, este procedimiento puede ayudarte a obtener una piel suave y libre de vello.

Recuerda: siempre debes informarte sobre las posibles contraindicaciones antes de comenzar el tratamiento.
— En Resumen

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