Fillers: everything you need to know
Written by Jessica Tapia, MD
Para los pacientes que están viendo las primeras etapas de pérdida de volumen relacionada con la edad, un “facelift líquido” que combina rellenos inyectables con un neuromodulador como Botox puede darte una apariencia más joven.
Posiblemente retrasando la necesidad de procedimientos de cirugía plástica más invasivos como la transferencia de grasa facial.
That said, dermal fillers will not provide the same level of facial rejuvenation as plastic surgery, such as a facelift. The results are much more subtle and temporary.
What are fillers?
Fillers (also known as facial fillers) are more than just wrinkle fillers: they can plump lips, smooth wrinkles and creases, and fill the hollows under the eyes known as dark circles.
Los fillers también pueden agregar volumen a las mejillas, reducir la apariencia de las cicatrices del acné en el rostro, perfilar la línea de la mandíbula y agregar volumen al mentón. Algunas personas incluso optan por tratar la nariz sin cirugía utilizando rellenos inyectables.
El ácido hialurónico es el ingrediente de relleno facial más popular aprobado por la FDA y COFEPRIS porque es muy fácil de disolver en caso de una complicación o en dado caso que cambies de opinión.
Los fillers también pueden estar hechos de hidroxiapatita de calcio (Radiesse), ácido poli-L-láctico (Sculptra) o microesferas de polimetilmetacrilato no absorbibles (PMMA o Bellafill). Estas sustancias son biocompatibles y seguras, lo que las hace ideales para su uso en tratamientos faciales.
¿Cuáles son los pros y los contras de los fillers faciales?
This injectable procedure is quick, relatively painless, and safe when performed by a licensed and experienced aesthetic doctor.
Hyaluronic acid fillers are almost identical to the chemical that occurs naturally in our bodies. They metabolize (break down) over time and carry little risk of allergic reaction. If you don't like the results, they can be easily reversed with hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down HA.
The results are immediate.
The procedure generally involves no downtime other than some bruising and swelling.
All injectable fillers have been shown to stimulate collagen production (and products such as Sculptra and Radiesse generate more than fillers with hyaluronic acid).
The results of filler procedures are temporary. Touch-ups are necessary to maintain them over time, which can be costly.
Filler injections can pose severe risks in inexperienced or unknowledgeable hands.
Possible side effects (described below) include migration and nodules, which may last until the filler dissolves (without medical treatment). This is why many specialists recommend hyaluronic acid-based fillers that can be dissolved with hyaluronidase.
Bruising is common when injecting fillers into the face and can last up to three weeks. Here's how to manage injectable bruising.
Results can be too subtle or dramatic, so clearly explain your concerns and desired outcome to your provider to better understand your desired improvement.
What should I expect during my facial filler application?
First, you start with an assessment consultation with your provider, during which they will discuss the desired result, the best type of filler to achieve it, and the potential risks.
This is an excellent time to ask how much filler you will need and get an estimate to avoid surprises when you pay.
Once these details have been worked out, here's what you can expect:
If necessary, your aesthetic doctor will clean the treatment area and apply a topical anesthetic (although most fillers contain lidocaine).
The filler is then slowly injected with a needle or cannula. The area is then gently massaged with the fingers to distribute the filler before continuing with more injections to achieve even distribution.
Si es la primera vez que recibes un relleno (particularmente relleno para labios o mejillas), tu medico estético puede que sea más cuidadoso acerca de la cantidad de relleno que debe usar y sugerirle que regrese una vez que la hinchazón haya disminuido, para evaluar el resultado y ver si deseas más volumen.
Si recibes Sculptra, puedes esperar necesitar una serie de tratamientos múltiples durante unos meses, a medida que se desarrolla nuevo colágeno.
While each individual injection takes only a few moments, the entire procedure can take an hour or more if your aesthetic doctor will be treating multiple areas.
Note: you will see more volume or smoother skin immediately.
When they are finished, you may be given a small ice pack to place against your skin to relieve discomfort, tenderness, or swelling. We recommend not applying too much pressure.
With Sculptra, your provider will instruct you to massage the treatment areas according to the rule of five (five times a day, for five minutes at a time, for five days) to help distribute the product and prevent the formation of nodules.
Recovery time
You will not need any real recovery time. That said, it is prevalent to have bruising and swelling at the injection site, so you should take some social downtime. These side effects can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to go away.
Bruises can usually be concealed with makeup, but it is not recommended to apply fillers too close to a big event.
To prevent the swelling from worsening, avoid sun, heat, exercise, and alcohol for at least 24 hours after treatment. Some providers may also recommend arnica gel or cream to reduce pain and swelling.
How long do the effects of fillers last?
Fillers can last from six months to several years, depending on which one you receive, the amount your specialist uses during the application process, and how fast your body metabolizes it. Some hyaluronic acid fillers can last up to 18 months.
¿Los fillers son mejores que el Botox?
Mucha gente piensa que la toxina botulínica inyectable como Botox y Dysport son rellenos, pero si bien ambas son inyecciones, funcionan de una manera completamente diferente: mientras que los rellenos añaden volumen, las neurotoxinas como Botox relaja los músculos para suavizar líneas, arrugas y pliegues (y evitar que se forme más).
Botox is FDA—and COFEPRIS-approved for treating crow's feet, frown lines, and forehead lines. It can be combined with fillers for optimal facial rejuvenation results during the same appointment.
“Los fillers faciales son sustancias inyectables que se utilizan para rellenar arrugas, agregar volumen y mejorar los contornos faciales, ofreciendo una alternativa menos invasiva a la cirugía plástica.
Aunque proporcionan resultados inmediatos y pueden estimular la producción de colágeno, sus efectos son temporales y requieren retoques periódicos.
Es importante que los fillers faciales sean aplicados por médicos con experiencia para minimizar riesgos y lograr resultados naturales.”